Premier Authorized Training Partner (ATP) of the Project Management Institute®
A hosted, branded version of our popular practice exam tools and on-demand courses for your students. Receive your own corporate branded exam prep site – hosted and supported by us, and driven by our industry-leading exam prep content database.
Relied on by 112 Project Management Institute (PMI)® Chapters and Training OrganizationsFeatures include:
Automated billing, charged monthly.
Following registration, your account will be configured and a confirmation email will be dispatched.
Example http:// YOUR-COMPANY
Your information is Private & Secure
Pay Securely with Your Credit Card
International payments welcome.
No hidden fees. Cancel any time.
Exam Preparation Products
PMTraining exam preparation products are delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS). Unless otherwise stated:
Payment Terms
All fees are based on monthly licenses sold
Cost Per Student Registration
$53.00 for 90-Day Access (22% discount) Optional: PMP On-Demand course for $249 per student (43% discount) Additional courseware: PMI-ACP, CAPM, and PDU courseware also available
Monthly Support Fee
$99.00 Waived with registration of 2 or more students per month!
Portal Setup Fee
$199.00 Setup Fee Waived
Included Support
PMTraining will provide the following support:
Use of Exam Preparation Content
Exam preparation content available via our products has been created exclusively for use by our customers. Our exam preparation content—including images, text, and supporting material (collectively "PMTraining Exam Prep Content") are owned by SSI Solutions INC (dba PMTraining). Unless PMTraining explicitly provides permission, no party may copy, modify, distribute (outside of the exam preparation system), display, license, or independently sell PMTraining exam preparation content without express consent by PMTraining.
Extreme care has been taken in the compilation of site content and features. The information, statements, and testing content contained therein are believed to be correct. This content, its owners, operators, and/or representatives shall not be held liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising from potential inaccuracies. PMTraining reserves the right to publish updates to its exam preparation content without prior notification.
Although post-exam student feedback is highly positive, no guarantee, warranty, or representation is made that students will pass actual certification exams as a result of using this product, nor with regard to the general content of site material.
While the information contained within our product platform is believed to be accurate, PMTraining, including its owners, representatives, administrators, and or employees, is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use or reference to information provided.
Accessing and/or registering with PMTraining exam preparation web products indicates acceptance of content terms, publicly accessible via the “Site Disclaimer” section of our website.